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Sustainable Lawn Care Basics

Jun 26, 2014 ● By Nishaat Yunus

Correct watering and mowing practices are basic building blocks of a healthy lawn. Be sure to water a lawn deeply and infrequently to encourage deep root growth. Water one inch per week, early in the morning to minimize turf disease problems. Measure out one inch of water using a cup placed in the yard while watering.

Keep the lawn mowed at three inches or higher to increase root strength and shade out weeds. Don’t mow the lawn unless it needs it. This creates healthy grass that can withstand drought and stay green longer.

Minimize chemical interventions by using appropriate fertilizer and weed control methods. Commercial fertilizers easily wash away, polluting nearby lakes and streams, and many contain toxic weed killers. An organic fertilizer will capture and deliver nutrients in the lawn throughout the growing season. Keep grass clippings on the lawn because they are an excellent natural fertilizer.

Proper lawn care maintenance, including annual reseeding, naturally eliminates most weeds. Avoid using pesticides because they can harm other beneficial living creatures such as bees, birds and fish. After hand-pulling weeds, use grass seed and soil to fill in the hole. The lawn will be strong and healthy as a result.

Nishaat Yunus is the Program and Communications Manager for Midwest Pesticide Action Center. For more information about growing a sustainable lawn and making healthy decisions in the home, visit