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Free Solar Body Book from Body & Brain

Body & Brain, with 10 convenient Chicagoland locations, is giving away free copies of the book The Solar Body: The Secret to Natural Healing, by Ilchi Lee, plus bonuses, at  Extras include a free week of classes at local Body & Brain centers and an almost 90 percent discount off the online course.

The book describes simple and easy ways to enhance innate natural healing ability. Sustaining ourselves with our own natural processes will let us shine brightly with health, vitality, a sunny attitude, sparkling eyes, radiant skin and a glowing spirit. A deepened connection toward our authentic, natural self will not only restore our full capacity for health and happiness, it will give us the energy and integrity to improve the lives of those around us.

The secret behind the method is temperature. Through movements, breathing, and awareness, we raise our temperature to improve immunity, metabolism, circulation, mood and optimism.


For Chicago area locations and more information, visit