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Soil Sisters Teach Home Kitchen Skills

Celebrating Wisconsin family farms and rural life, a three-day Soil Sisters event to be held from July 31 to August 2 in South Central Wisconsin on farms around the Monroe and Brodhead areas, will feature hands-on workshops and culinary events. The weekend will culminate in the Tour of Farms. The events are all led by more than a dozen women farmers that operate sustainable or certified organic farms.

Many of the activities are aimed at families with kids that will be happy to be greeted by goats, sheep, chickens or emus. Depending on the Green Acres workshop, they can spin some fiber, go on a hayride, explore how to start a food business from their home kitchen, learn how to ferment or build a birdhouse, among many other hands-on activities. Culinary events include a Dinner on the Farm and Taste of Place. 

The Tour of Farms is free on Aug. 2, other events are ticketed. For more information, visit