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Three Questions that Matter

Nov 20, 2016 ● By Oksana Gritsenko

This is a very good time for deep inner reflection in preparation for 2017. Each of us is serving as a great contributor to the well-being of the planet, so individual self-awareness work is one of the most important things we can do. Here are a few practical suggestions toward completing this year with inner acceptance and clarity.

What were the major life lessons that I have received this year, and what did I see, feel and understand about who I am?

Writing these things down as we go through the entire year allows us to digest each one in no real hurry.

Am I gentle, loving and accepting toward myself, and what do I need to change to allow more of that in the new year?

Sometimes looking into a mirror deeply into our eyes while asking these questions creates a shift or realization. Saying, “I love you! I am in love with you!” while looking at the self in the mirror is often of a huge help. When we release judgments of the self, we let go of a lot of stress, physical disorders, mental, emotional and physical tension, and we open our hearts to fall in love with ourselves. When we are in love, everything in the world changes its flavor. Colors become brighter, challenges less significant, opportunities more exciting and our being in this world more clear, meaningful and powerful.

What are my main intentions for myself and my life for the upcoming year?

Sit on this one for a while. Meditate. Contemplate. Visualize. Ask what the visions are for the upcoming year, how life is different and how we are feeling in the new life we have created. Intentions are very powerful from so many perspectives. Until we have intent, we don’t act, don’t shift, don’t create and don’t allow anything new. Opening the mind and letting imagination flow freely aligning with uplifting, wonderful emotions in our hearts creates a very powerful combination that drives us to be happy, fulfilled and satisfied with life. When we become aware of what we desire and clearly state it, even to ourselves, life suddenly seems to bring more opportunities. Some see it as magic; others as a simple psychological shift of seeing more of what we desire in the outer world coming our way, just because we are open to see it.

       Answering these three questions is a mindful and conscious way to become more aware of how we see ourselves, how we feel at the moment, realize where we want to be and decide how to get there. It is a great way to create a baseline of the current state of the self, gain clarity of desires for the future and plan to act upon them. Here are some tips to get to the next level.

Forgive. Being aware of the need to forgive ourselves and others and release the burden of anger, shame or guilt we carry in our hearts and on our shoulders can be not only emotionally and mentally therapeutic, but physically healing, as well. Forgiving happens in the heart.

Focus on gratitude.  Nothing elevates our spirit and emotions faster than the feeling of gratitude, whether we focus on what we are grateful for in the moment about ourselves, our families and lives, or being grateful already for all the blessings life is about to present to us daily. It is such a powerful, positive and pleasant way to live. We can give it a try and perhaps make it a daily habit.

Life is being in each moment. It is ours to enjoy if we so chose. It is ours to create if we realize we have the power. It is ours to take advantage of with joy, ease and grace if we allow ourselves that pleasure. Simply enough, it is completely up to us what we make of it.


Oksana Gritsenko is a mind transformation coach and owner of Solful Gifts, located at 1040 S. Milwaukee Ave., Ste. 130, in Wheeling. For more information, call 847-924-5708 or visit See ad on page 18.