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Digital is Important for Dental X-Rays


We know that X-ray radiation is nothing to trifle with, but in comparison, dental X-rays are pretty tame. They do produce small amounts of radiation, which kills cells in the body. Medium doses of radiation can produce headaches, fever or vomiting, and higher doses can lead to cancer or even kill by damaging our internal organs.

        But the truth is that we are exposed to radiation on a daily basis. Playing outside in the sun, living in a brick building, flying in an airplane, sleeping next to another person and walking through a metal detector all expose us to radiation.

        Moderation is key. Many dental offices have upgraded to digital X-rays, reducing the exposure by a factor of 10. Taking a digital X-ray is like walking through a metal detector a few times in the airport. So at the dental office, don’t be anxious if they want to take a complete series of X-rays. As long as they are digital, we are getting less radiation than playing outside for a half hour.

Dr. Bernice Teplitsky, DDS, PC, is a holistic dentist at Wrigleyille Dental, located at 3256 North Ashland Ave., in Chicago. For appointments, call 773-242-8722. For more information, visit