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Top Tips: for Managing the End-of-School-Year Rush

Apr 24, 2018 ● By Sheree Nathanson

We know it’s coming, yet we still get caught in the feeling of overwhelm at the end of the school year. Too many things are going on at once—sporting events, dance and music recitals, Memorial Day celebrations, graduations and preparing for camp or vacation. Sometimes there are also events for out-of-town family and friends that have been invited to attend, and may be staying in our homes. With all the deadlines and hurry, it’s important to find ways to stay grounded and be more peaceful throughout the day.

        First and foremost, remember that everything is going to work out fine, and we’ll come through with flying colors. This knowledge can be reassuring, especially if this is our first end of school year experience. Here are some ways we can come through it feeling not only like we’ve just survived, but that we have thrived and enjoyed the season.

Say No to Anything Extra

When asked if we want to do something additional during these few weeks, even if it sounds like fun, pause before answering and think about how it makes our body feel. Notice whether there’s a gut feeling that it might be too much to deal with or if it feels good. That will help to make a conscious decision that will support us in moving through those weeks in peace.

        Consciousness is key. Women often want to be there for everyone else, and we automatically say yes to a lot of things. It’s important to take care of ourselves at all times, but especially during busy times. Keep practicing at pausing before responding to requests.

        We’re usually the one orchestrating events, and as the conductor, it’s up to us to take charge and make some breathing room for our family. Being organized and preparing as much as possible in advance can free up time and energy so we don’t have to do or worry about things at the last minute. We might want to leave some space on our calendar so that if there’s a nice spring day, we can choose to do something that lifts our energy and allows us to be in the flow of the moment. If there is just no opportunity for downtime, the next tip will be useful.

Live in the Moment

A person that becomes overwhelmed easily might tend to shut down when there are too many things to do. Being in the moment is a practice that can definitely help. It’s actually our thoughts about all the things we have to do that makes us feel stressed, not actually doing them. Just by paying attention to what we have to do right now in this moment can be freeing.

        We can only do one thing at a time, so take a deep breath and send out the invitations for that upcoming graduation party. Don’t think of everything else on the list at the same time, We can only focus on what is needed in this moment, even if it’s for a future event.

Make Lists

Getting things down on paper, phone or computer frees our mind and lightens our stress. The best feeling comes when we cross things off our list because it creates a sense of accomplishment.

Remain Calm

It seems that when we are in a hurry, something often happens to delay us, like spilling or breaking something because we’re simply moving too fast. Ironically, things will get done more quickly when we relax and get into the flow. Move in a peaceful way to gracefully progress through the rush at the end of the school year.


Sheree Nathanson is a life strategist who teaches women how to clarify and create the life they truly desire. Contact her at [email protected] or visit