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Consider Genetic Detoxification

Marcy Kirshenbaum

Marcy Kirshenbaum, MS, CCN, CNS, LDN, owner of Enhance Nutrition, LLC, in Northbrook, says, “We’re all filled with biological waste products, chemicals, heavy metals and various other toxins, regardless of our efforts to avoid environmental exposures from food, water, air, soil and household products and more. Detoxing to lose weight, increase energy, improve sleep or heal the gut often feels like a fruitless endeavor. What may be holding you back is your genetics.”

        Diet, lifestyle and environment all impact how DNA is expressed. A simple saliva test provides the data for a genetic program that translates the results to understand our genetic factors and how they may be impeding detox efforts.

        This information, in combination with a nutrient imbalance test, helps identify lifestyle factors that may need changing to address potential negative health consequences.

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