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Letter from Publisher

Nov 30, 2021 ● By Kyle Hass
Headshot of publisher Peggy Malecki

Peggy Malecki

The quiet of late fall/early winter’s long nights and short days is a natural time of rest and inner growth, and being mindful of this true gift of the season can help us to slow down, recharge and experience each day more fully and purposefully as we move toward the not-so-distant spring.
With the holiday season and Winter Solstice come traditions, celebrations and the promise of longer days with new outlooks.

Given the choice, I prefer warm, humid days to the winter realities of our Midwest climate. Yet, being outside in winter can be just as invigorating, inspiring and mood-setting as a perfect summer day. I‘m fascinated by the lacy patterns of bare winter tree branches against a steel-gray sky, stop in my tracks to stare at the winter moon and stars during an evening dog walk, eagerly watch clouds mingle through the pinks and purples of an early sunset, and like to take in the crisp sounds of water and ice on a breezy day along the shores of Lake Michigan. A bundled-up, brisk walk can help me to reground and focus after a hectic day of sitting at the keyboard. Of course, if temps are downright bitter with deep subzero windchills, a short observational tour through the yard to fill the bird feeder can be a good alternative!

December presents an ideal chance to reflect on memories of the past year, both by consciously absorbing the details of our life’s journey over the past 365 days and by invigorating and recharging ourselves in the hope of the coming year. It’s an opportunity to trust inner wisdom and resilience as we count our blessings, express gratitude for the large and small details of our lives and navigate through the holidays. It’s a time to share gratefulness and appreciation of the natural world and feel oneness with the wind, the waters, native prairies and open spaces, forests and the Earth that we share with all others that live here, too.

This month in Natural Awakenings Chicago, we offers lots of great ways to honor and celebrate this season of light and joy. Carrie Jackson takes us on a tour of family-friendly outdoor light shows in “Winter Lights Illuminate the Holiday Season,” and we’ve included more holiday-themed celebrations listed in our Community Calendar sections. You’re invited to try the festive winter- and holiday-themed recipes in our Conscious Eating department (find more recipes at and check out some great gift ideas for book-lovers of all ages on your holiday list in both our Healthy Kids and Natural Chicago departments.

You can extend the holiday spirit in many other ways, too. Consider donating time, experience, useful items or money to the local nonprofit of your choice (perhaps in the name of a family or friend as a gift). Volunteer this season and add your name to the list for after the holidays when help is often needed even more. Help a friend, neighbor, organization or new-to-your-acquaintance that could use your assistance and your smile. Reminisce with loved ones to honor the memories of those no longer with us, and please continue to be kind and forgiving to others and to yourself.

On behalf of everyone at Natural Awakenings Chicago, I wish you a peaceful December season filled with laughter, warmth, hope, love, gratitude and all things that bring you joy. As always, I encourage you to step outside each day, get some exercise and fresh air, take in the details of the ever-changing season, listen for the sounds of winter wildlife sharing your neighborhood and find new meaning in the subtleties of the natural world that surrounds you wherever you may live or travel.
Wishing you a safe, healthy and happy holiday season and an inspiring new year!