5 Steps to a Healthier Workplace
Jul 31, 2014 ● By Elizabeth Abrams
Creating a workplace where health and wellness are top priorities doesn’t require huge budgets or lots of time. Some careful strategic planning, using a full team approach, can yield a healthful work environment ripe for creativity and success. To help you get there follow these five easy steps:
Educate: Invite monthly speakers to the office at lunchtime to speak about an array of wellness issues including nutrition, exercise and how to reduce stress. Look for local experts who are sure to resonate with employees.
Conduct Wellness Screenings: Offer on-site screenings one or two times a year for risk factors of common health issues including heart attack, stroke and diabetes. Helping employees identify their health risks allows them to take immediate and potentially life-saving steps toward increasing their wellness.
Provide Substance Abuse Education and Testing: Substance abuse-including prescription drug abuse-- affects families and co-workers. According to Tim Thoelecke, owner and founder of Morton Grove-based InOut Labs, many people don’t know they need help or know where to turn. “The misuse of prescription drugs is a growing problem and it impacts everything—including performance and productivity at work,” he says. “Offering non-invasive, cost-effective drug testing can transform safety and productivity in the workplace.”
Offer Healthy Foods: Ditch the endless supply of sugary treats and candy for better food choices in the company kitchen. Replace soda with water and tea and offer a complimentary daily bowl of fruit. Treat your employees to a weekly or monthly salad bar alongside a “lunch and learn” seminar.
Work Out After Work: Hire a fitness instructor to run on-site, after work classes such as yoga or Zumba, If the business has a gym or workout facility, bring in a personal trainer several times a week. Group workouts can be fantastic team-building and stress-reducing tools that can increase productivity and creativity and build strong relationships.
Elizabeth Abrams is the principle of Elizabeth Abrams Communications LLC. For more information, call 773-908-3465 or email her at [email protected].
For more information about InOut Labs, call 847-657-7900 or visit their website.