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Mukundananda Launches Global Life Transformation Challenge

On January 1, Swami Mukundananda, founder of JKYog, an alumnus of IIT and IIM, bestselling author, mind management expert and life coach, launched a 21 Day international Life Transformation Challenge online on YouTube, offering people worldwide the opportunity to blossom in their lives. Over 21 days, Swamiji shares 21 free tools to access our own inner power and greatness for a productive and meaningful life.

Since its inception in 2009, JKYog has been successfully hosting yoga and meditation programs all over USA and India. JKYog strives to help individuals and communities lead better lives through spiritual enrichment.

People across the world are already feeling the life-changing impact of this initiative as thousands of Life Transformation Ambassadors are organizing both private and public group events to inspire other people to participate in the challenge.

If we can harness our mind to do our bidding in accordance with the right knowledge, the powerful process of authentic inner transformation begins. The mind is simultaneously a terrible master, and a wonderful slave. Our success in life depends on our level of mental self-control—particularly the thoughts we choose to harbor.

When we elevate our thoughts and actions in accordance with the correct knowledge, our soul power that has been sleeping within, slowly starts getting awakened. We start living life driven by our true nature – the soul – rather than an ego driven life full off anger, greed, hatred, envy, and sadness. By learning to become good, we start to feel good and automatically do good. This helps us realize our potential and unfold the divinity within us.

Register for the Life Transformation Challenge at For more information, visit