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Friends of the Parks Coordinates Chicago Earth Day Cleanups

Friends of the Parls green and white logo with 3 stick people underneath a tree

On April 23, Friends of the Parks will again be coordinating cleanups across Chicago as part of their annual Earth Day Parks and Preserves Celebration and Clean-Up. For more than 30 years, the Chicago-based nonprofit has supported Park Advisory Councils (PACs), park partner organizations and other volunteer groups by providing them with gloves and garbage bags, as well as an online event sign-up tool for park-based Earth Day activities.

The city-wide celebration and clean-up—themed this year as Invest in Our Parks, Preserves, Planet—is organized in partnership with the Chicago Park District and Forest Preserves of Cook County.

Those interested in participating in a clean-up or involving their organization in the event can register and find schedules, mulch requests and additional information at