Letter from Publisher

Peggy Malecki
May is an incredible month of vibrant seasonal transformation. Here in the Chicago area, we’ve pretty much finally shaken the last vestiges of winter weather, even after this year’s reluctant spring. The outside world is a palette of fresh colors displayed abundantly in flowers and newly emerged leaves. The aroma of fresh blossoms drifts through the air. Rainy days are warmer, days are longer and the sun seems to shine more brightly.
All year, I eagerly anticipate May mornings when I can finally open the windows and hear the sounds of spring birdsong. There’s something so magical about stepping out the door and being enveloped in the layered songs of countless birds as they travel through the area. This is the main month of spring migration, when the chorus starts at dawn and begins anew at dusk. I think about myriad robins singing their twilight songs from the trees in May and June and can’t help but smile. To this day, I remember sitting on the back steps in our city backyard when I was a kid, learning the robin’s song and attempting to add my whistle to the chorus.
May’s calendar seems to fill so quickly, and as we transition back to more in-person events and gatherings, plus general busy-ness, it’s not always easy to mindfully stay in the moment and notice the wonders of spring. As social activities return, we may feel more external stress from family and community, and more internal stress to get it all done while managing a new routine. It’s time to take a breath, give ourselves a break and savor the glorious days of May.
This month in Natural Awakenings Chicago we celebrate May with a focus on women’s wellness and take a look at resiliency as it applies to our health. In our main feature, “Resilient Mothering, How Moms are Forging Ahead in a Changing World,” writer Carrie Jackson explores some new habits and self-care techniques that may help us rebalance our mental health and navigate new challenges as we move into the summer months. We also cover healthful topics that include natural approaches to preventing and managing fibroids, balancing menopausal symptoms, keeping hydrated, rejuvenating our immune systems and how intermittent fasting may help some people improve overall wellness.
Fresh, local food is always on trend, and we feature some great recipes for seasonal eating, as well as tips from the experts (including Chicago Botanic Garden horticulturist Lisa Hilgenberg) on starting an edible container garden in your yard or on the deck. Our wildlife expert Sheryl DeVore takes us to some local bird rookeries where avian parents are also very busy this month raising their new families.
Before summer gets here, I encourage you to take in all the wonders that May has to offer. Take a slow walk on a misty day, stop to admire the abundant flowers and trees, sit in the warm sun and savor this amazing month. Stop by an independent garden center to check out the native plants and early vegetable starts. Shop a farmers market for spring-only veggies. Open a window to feel the warm, humid breeze. And of course, find a few May days to rise a little early, pour your morning beverage and step outside to greet the birds.
Happy May!