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Bone Scanning Echolight Echo Now Available at OsteoStrong Wilmette

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OsteoStrong Wilmette is one of only six locations in the U.S. to offer Echolight Echo radiofrequency echographic multi- spectrometry (REMS) bone strength scanning.  Echolight Echo utilizes an innovative bone health monitoring technology called REMS that has quietly been gaining acceptance across Europe and is revolutionizing the way bone health specialists assess and monitor not only bone density, but also bone quality and bone strength.

Echolight REMS examines the condition and health of a person’s bones without the ionizing radiation used to measure bone density with typical X-rays, making it safer and affording the ability to monitor bone health more often.

REMS measures bone mineral density with a simple ultrasound, allowing an examiner to identify and scan the patient’s lumbar vertebrae (spine) and femoral neck (hip) bones for density and quality of bone microarchitecture. Within minutes, the device automatically compares the patient’s examination with reference data from more than 100,000 patients in the database.

Location: 126 Skokie Blvd., Wilmette. Scan the QR code or call 847-224-8616 to learn more about the Echolight Echo or to book an appointment.