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Letter from the Publisher

Headshot of publisher Peggy Malecki

Peggy Malecki

One of my favorite things about September is the subtle shift in light that accentuates the color palette of a late summer day in the Midwest. As we approach the Autumnal Equinox later this month, the vibrantly lit colors begin to soften as the sun slowly moves to a more southern position on the horizon, highlighting the oranges, yellows, purples, darker greens and cream shades of our native plants.

A walk through a local park, prairie or preserve on a late summer day can be a treat for the senses, as perennials like asters and goldenrod take center stage. Butterflies, bees and other insects are actively seeking pollen and nectar. As monarchs, dragonflies and songbirds continue their fall migration, this year’s abundant squirrel and chipmunk populations are busy gathering acorns and other stores for chillier days ahead. A chorus of cicadas crescendo in the trees, and the sounds of crickets still fill the evening air, gradually slowing their song as nighttime temperatures and humidity levels drop.

As we head into fall and begin new routines, it’s an ideal time to focus on our own physical and emotional wellness. Our September issue of Natural Awakenings Chicago is dedicated to Emotional Healing, a theme that aligns perfectly with the seasonal transition. Our feature article, “Stopping the Trauma Cycle,” delves into how trauma caused by loss, heartbreak and life events can have a long-term impact on both physical and mental health. Throughout our pages, we explore some of the many holistic mind-body approaches for coping and managing along the ongoing path to balance and recovery.

In our efforts to nurture emotional and physical well-being, it’s important to recognize that September is National Yoga Month. This multi-faceted practice is one of many strategies that can help balance and sustain our emotional wellness. In “Health Benefits of Yoga,” writer Carrie Gauthier offers ways to manage the ongoing effects of trauma through a regular practice. And Julie Mackey describes how meditation has become a powerful performance tool for athletes of all levels, supporting physical, mental and emotional recovery and wellness. We’re also excited to launch our new Yoga, Pilates, Dance, Fitness & Movement Network in this month’s issues.

Being in the outdoors and close to nature has been shown in countless studies to boost our moods and lead to better physical, emotional and mental wellness. Writer Sheryl DeVore takes us on a tour of Chicago’s Lurie Garden, a perfect nearby venue to experience the colors and sounds of late summer near the shore of Lake Michigan. This month is also a great time to prep your garden for next spring. Melinda Myers offers her horticultural insights in “Boost Landscape Beauty with Fall Planting,” and our friends at the Field Museum explain how urban and suburban milkweed gardens are helping fragile monarch butterfly populations thrive.

As always, I encourage you to consciously make time to step outside every day this month to observe and cherish September’s seasonal shift. As you observe fall flowers, listen to the sounds of squirrels foraging for acorns, bike on a crisp morning, finally plant the perennials that have been staring at you from their pots all summer or enjoy the full Harvest Moon—whatever way you choose to participate in our natural world, take the opportunity to refocus, recharge and nurture your emotional wellness.

Here’s to a healing and joyful September, and a happy Equinox!