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Summer Skin Care with Essential Oils

Jun 25, 2016 ● By Karen Duewel

Sun Loving Lip Balm

Recommended oils: peppermint,
lavender and/or copaiba

Yields: ½ ounce (3 ml)

2 Tbsp olive oil

½ tsp honey

¾ tsp grated beeswax, grated

½ tsp pure cocoa butter

1 vitamin E capsule

Essential oil of choice

Gently heat olive oil, honey, wax and butter in a double-boiler over low heat until just melted. Remove and let cool.

Stir in vitamin E and essential oils. Pour into the container. Store in a cool place when not in use. (Avoid using with citrus oils or UV oils. Add zinc oxide for extra SPF).


Sun Care Spray

Yields: one 16oz spray bottle

½ cup organic sesame oil

½ cup coconut oil, melted

½ cup distilled water

½ tsp zinc oxide

½ cup aloe vera oil, optional

6-10 drops each essential oils: carrotseed, helichrysum and lavender

Combine all in a spray bottle. Blend a combination of other oils if desired to address skin type, length of sun or water exposure, insects, sweat, etc: cedarwood, copaiba, eucalyptus, geranium, peppermint, spruce, rosemary.

Store in a cool place when not in use.

Recipes adapted from Beauty & Body Care, DIY Naturally.


Karen Duewel is a Young Living professional serving the entire Chicago area. For more information, call 847-772-0212 or visit See ad on page 25 and in the Community Resource Guide.