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School Activities Can Foster Head Injuries

Sep 28, 2018 ● By Carol Sherby

The beginning of the school year can create situations that invite concussion injuries for athletes participating in cheerleading, soccer, lacrosse, football and gymnastic activities, but CranioSacral Therapy (CST) can help. Injuries often occur when two athletes collide, resulting in a concussion with persistent headaches, light sensitivity or reading difficulty. Young athletes may even experience cognitive retention difficulty or ringing in the ears, and not correlate them to their concussion incident. Research has shown CST is especially effective with concussions in showing neurological activation and inflammatory changes within the cerebrospinal fluid of patients studied.

       CST works with the physiological system of soft tissues and fluids that protect the brain and spinal cord. It can be effective in relieving pressure headaches or eye strain while reading, as well as stress-related dysfunction. The therapy works with the central nervous system and the 22 bones of the cranium, nerve fibers of the spinal cord, cerebrospinal fluid and the sacrum. Skilled CranioSacral Therapists are taught to feel energetic patterns, or “rhythms”, at key points, pinpoint the source of dysfunction or restriction and restore balance.

Carol Sherby is a biodynamic CranioSacral Therapist at One Mind and Body CranioSacral Therapy, in Glen Ellyn. For appointments, call 630-205-1075. For more information, email  [email protected] or visit