Animal Care Group Bialy’s Wellness Foundation is Now Wild Hearts
After conducting surveys and listening to
sponsored pet families, Bialy’s Wellness Foundation felt the need for a stronger
branding strategy, larger-than-life name and a more recognizable visual
identity to represent all they do and future goals. These steps have
strengthened their mission and focused priorities to be effective where needed
Wild Hearts provides continuous, comprehensive
care to animals with mobility issues and the people that love them, including
financial and resource support, veterinary services, holistic rehabilitation
therapy, assistive devices and ongoing education.
They recommend resources for owners and
caretakers of pets requiring specialized care that can be difficult to come by
and maintain a list of assistive devices, incontinence supplies and other
regularly used equipment and supplies. Also, many veterinary teaching schools
offer clinical trials looking at new ways to approach or learn about specific
conditions. A pet may thus contribute to a better understanding of a specific
diagnosis or disease.