Fulfill a Longing for Happiness
Nina Yefimov
The Holistic Center of Health and Happiness is offering small group meditations and events starting in June in Wheeling, as well as private consultation, shamanic healing and past-life regressions. In November, small groups and personal wellness retreats will be held in Mexico for attendees to restore vitality and balance, and take home knowledge to use in daily life.
Owner Nina Yefimov says, “Deep inside, every person has a longing
for happiness. The road to happiness starts with emotional healing. Our souls
lived here on Earth for many lives and came to this life with many wounds from
our previous lives, even though we do not remember it. To add to this, we
received even more emotional wounds in this life which need to be healed in
order to start living our full creative capacity and enjoy our life.” She notes
that emotional health is the key to happiness in all aspects of life.