Inner Peace Through World Peace
The Infinity Foundation, in
Highland Park, will present its annual Meditate-A-Thon: Inner Peace Through
World Peace (course 193100) from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., November 16. Participants
will spend the day experiencing a different meditative experience each hour
that includes guided visualization for inner peace, kirtan: joyful chanting,
gong meditation, sound healing with crystal bowls, breathing meditation,
mindfulness meditation and sound attunement. BYO mat, blanket or cushion. No
meditation experience is needed. A light lunch and snacks are included.
To contribute to world
peace when violence and hate are prevalent, we must find inner peace, so
meditating and cultivating a shared awareness of our common humanity and
solidarity with the world is important. The cause of a truly comprehensive and
lasting peace can most effectively be furthered by ceaselessly expanding
circles of friendship and understanding through dialogue, exchange and cooperation.