Kadampa to Host Two Special Meditation Events
Gen Kelsang Zamling. Photo courtesy of Kadampa Meditation Center Chicago.
Gen Kelsang Zamling, an ordained Buddhist monk and principal meditation teacher at the Kadampa Meditation Center Chicago, based in Oak Park and Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood, will make a special presentation entitled The Power of Love, with guided meditation, at 7:30 p.m., February 14 in Wicker Park. He’ll also guide a Loving Fearlessly silent afternoon meditation retreat from 2 to 5 p.m., February 18, at the same location.
“Meditating on love is a perfect protector from everything that ails you emotionally, and it is the doorway through which enlightenment can be reached swiftly,” he says.
All are welcome and no experience is necessary to attend either event.
Location for both events: 2010 W. Pierce Ave., Chicago. To register, visit MeditateInChicago.org/event-details/the-power-of-love-valentines-day-talk-meditation or MeditateInChicago.org/event-details/loving-fearlessly-silent-retreat.