Try Spring Sprouts for a Nutritious Boost
Mar 31, 2020 ● By Tiffany Hinton
Photo credit: Tiffany Hinton
"The weather has
turned warmer by the day. The ‘worm’ full moon in March marked the beginning of
thawing of the ground in preparation for spring planting. The Farmers’ Almanac marks the worm moon as
the time the worms begin to emerge from winter and rainy season begins. April
is the perfect time to start your planting inside for your summer garden. The
seed starts can be a great source of nutrients and cellular energy. The sprouts
are packed with antioxidants due to the concentrated nutrient profile. Sprouts
can be used to help boost energy levels and aid in detoxifying the body. When
planting your spring seeds, be sure to add a few extra for sprouts to eat now,”
says GF Mom Certified’s Tiffany Hinton.
Three great ways to enjoy
sprouts are: added to a morning smoothie; added to salad; or added to soup or
broth right before eating.
Sprout Smoothie
Yields: 2 servings
1 banana
½ cup water
½ cup frozen pineapple
¼ cup broccoli sprouts
½ cucumber
1 stalk celery
½ lemon juiced
1 green apple
Mix in a high-speed blender until smooth, approximately 1 minute.
Note: Broccoli sprouts are best harvested when the sprout is five days old.
Recipes courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, GF Mom Certified - Buffalo Grove, IL. Connect on social media @GFMomCertified.
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