Dentistry and Autoimmune Issues
Mar 31, 2020 ● By Bernice Teplitsky, DDS
people with autoimmune conditions have trouble with certain foods, materials
and toxins. Those that are careful about food choices, may also need to be
careful about everything else going on inside the mouth.
Here are
three things to consider:
Disease: This is an
inflammatory response in the body that can lead to tooth, gum and bone loss.
Frequent exams and cleanings at the dental office can help prevent it and
skilled dentists can figure out if the recession and wear are coming from other
sources such as tooth alignment, sleep disordered breathing or diet.
Materials: Before replacing a filling with
unknown materials, it’s best to run a test and see what the body can tolerate.
A biocompatibility test done by holistic dentists can determine which of the
more than 15,000 dental materials are best.
Root Canals: A root
canal is essentially a dead organ. Some people are strong and healthy, and can
tolerate any immune challenge, while others are more sensitive and susceptible
to systemic issues. Root canals are not for everyone. For existing root canals,
there is a DNA test that checks the status of a tooth.
Wrigleyville Dental
is located at 3256 N. Ashland, in Chicago. For appointments and more
information, call 773-975-6666, email [email protected] or visit