50th Earth Day Takes On Climate Change

Golden Anniversary Marks Call to Action
On April 22, 1970, 20 million Americans—10
percent of the nation—took to the streets and campuses to protest environmental
degradation so severe that rivers were literally catching on fire. That
groundswell was followed by the passage of landmark environmental laws,
including the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, Endangered Species Act and the
creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, laws soon adopted by many
other countries.
Half a century later, as temperatures
approach 70 degrees in Antarctica, catastrophic wildfires race through
Australia and species die off around the world, the planet’s status seems anything
but golden. On this Earth Day, the climate crisis that precipitated these
events and trends take center stage: The goal is to mobilize millions, perhaps
billions, of Earth’s human inhabitants to rise up in its defense. “The urgency
has never been greater and the stakes have never been higher,” say the
organizers of the Earth Day Network. “We are now in an environmental emergency
and a climate breakdown. The world needs you—and your actions—for Earth Day
To learn about personal actions, including step-by-step instructions on how to
organize a digital event, consult EarthDay.org.