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Recipe: Spicy Spring Harvest Pickled Radishes

Feb 28, 2022 ● By Tiffany Hinton
Pickled radishes

Photo Credit Tiffany Hinton

Spring is here, the migrating birds have returned to our trees and bring with them the signs of spring, from daffodils to tulips beginning to show their heads. The early cold weather veggies can be planted this month in the garden. One of these is a radish, which is super-quick to germinate and grow in as little as three weeks. The radish seed will germinate as soon as the soil temperature reaches 50 degrees. This can easily be accomplished in early March by using a low hoop house or the milk jug method for cold weather crops. Radish should be harvested as soon as the root reaches the size of a marble.

This recipe is inspired by early garden radishes. Use these spicy pickled radishes on top of tacos, nachos, inside spring rolls or as a healthy afternoon snack.

Pickled Radishes

YIELDS: 1 large-mouth
quart jar

1½ lb radishes, thinly sliced

1½ cups white vinegar

2 Tbsp sugar

4 tsp kosher salt

¼ tsp red pepper flakes

1 cup cilantro,
   roughly chopped

1 jalapeño, seeded and chopped

In a small pot, bring vinegar, sugar and salt to boil. Dissolve sugar. Add red pepper flakes and set aside to cool.

Fill mason jar with radishes, cilantro and jalapeño. Layer in the ingredients. Pour over the cooled pickling liquid. Top off the jar with water to 1 inch below the top.

Seal tightly and refrigerate for at least 24 hours before eating.

Recipe courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, GF Mom Certified. Connect online at @gfmomcertified and listen to Tiffany’s podcast, Cultivating Guts, on Spotify and iTunes.