Make Delicious Allergen-Free Ice Cream at Home
Jul 31, 2020 ● By Tiffany Hinton
Photo courtesy of Tiffany Hinton
Ice cream was enjoyed at the 1904 St. Louis World's Fair and later was a symbol of morale for U.S. troops during the World War II—Italian dictator Benito Mussolini banned its sale for a time to avoid the association. Packaged ice cream was first sold in grocery stores in the 1930s, and yet home ice cream makers still remained popular until the 1970s.
Food allergies effect about 4.2 million children in the U.S., and two of the main ingredients for ice cream are on the top eight allergen list for children—eggs and milk. Milk is the second-most common allergen for children, followed by peanuts. This creates a unique challenge when creating ice cream at home, causing many to avoid it and choose alternative cool treats like popsicles. In celebration of all things ice cream, let’s take a look at simple alternatives to traditional ingredients.
Canned coconut milk has a similar fat content to heavy whipping cream, making it a great alternative and substitute in homemade ice cream. This is best used by refrigerating the canned coconut milk overnight before using.
Cashew milk is a great substitute for the milk or half-and-half many ice cream recipes include. The cashew milk is thicker and heavier than rice, almond or oat milks. Non-dairy coffee creams on the market can be used for this purpose, as well.
Pina Colada Ice Cream
Yields: About 3 cups
1 16-oz can coconut milk
½ cup pineapple, pureed in blender
¼ cup maple syrup
½ tsp rum extract
Mix together and follow instructions included with the ice cream maker.
See the blog post at for additional ice cream recipes. Recipes courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, GF Mom Certified. Connect on social media @GFMomCertified.