Cooking to Reduce Inflammation
Apr 30, 2020 ● By Tiffany Hinton
Photo: Photo 02 Sauerkraut by MeSoHungry foodblog post by Jason Lam | Flickr is licensed under ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0)
(See recipe at
Bone Broth is filled with
all the minerals our skeletons need, along with many other important amino
acids that are especially healing for someone suffering from leaky gut
syndrome. The glucosamine in bone both goes straight to the joints helping
alleviate pain and inflammation.
Stewed Apples
Stewing apples with the skin still on the apple will release a chemical called pectin. Pectin is a highly beneficial tool serving like a gut spackle that will help to “fill” leaky gut areas in the gut lining and decrease inflammation.
Fermented Foods
Eating fermented foods like kombucha, sauerkraut, kimchi and Old-World pickles in the brine brings good bacteria back to the gut. This beneficial bacteria helps aid the body in drawing out a wide range of toxins and heavy metals from the gut.
GF Mom Certified’s Sauerkraut Recipe
Yields: one quart
1 small organic cabbage
1 organic carrot
1 Tbsp iodized sea salt
1 probiotic capsule
Organic garlic to taste
Organic onion to taste
Clean wide-mouth canning jar and lid carefully. Wash veggies. Grate the cabbage and carrot. Place the cabbage in the jar, add other desired veggies (garlic and or onion) and salt as you go.
Pack the veggies in the jar with a spoon. Open the probiotic capsule and sprinkle on the cabbage. Add additional salt water until the veggies are fully submerged. Leave about 1 inch at the top of the jar for gas expansion.
Place the lid on the jar. Store in a cool, dark place for 7 days to ferment. Check the jar periodically to ensure the brine does not overflow.
Taste after 1 week. If fermentation is sufficient place the jar in the fridge. You can ferment up to 14 days as desired taste and texture is achieved.
Tip: Remember tap water has chlorine and will kill the friendly bacteria.
Recipes courtesy of Tiffany Hinton, GF Mom Certified. Connect on social media @GFMomCertified.