Decluttering Our World Through Movement
May 24, 2020 ● By Erica Hornthal
by Erica Hornthal
We might
want to consider the concept of spring cleaning from the perspective of
movement. The need to organize and clean doesn’t have to be reserved for the
bedroom, apartment or office. We can declutter our life by changing the way we
move through our environment.
It might be surprising how easy it is to declutter when the body inhabiting it
is more organized.
space in the body: When
experienced in a safe and supportive way, taking up space can provide a sense
of mastery and control over our environment, not to mention a greater ability
to ground and center the self.
Clear the
mind: Identifying
thoughts that clutter the mind and finding a way to manage the emotions they
evoke is another way to declutter the self. Try a guided imagery, a mindful
meditation or simply practice mindfulness throughout the day.
Simplify movements: Notice how each part of the body moves and
how we can oscillate between simple and complex actions in the body.
Essentially, by deconstructing the movements, we can declutter the body.
Erica Hornthal, MA, LCPC, BC-DMT, is the owner of Chicago Dance
Therapy, Inc. For more
information, call 847-848-0697.