Letter from Publisher
Aug 31, 2020 ● By Peggy Malecki
Peggy Malecki
It’s really hard to believe that we’re heading into September. This summer seemed to go by in a blur as we adjusted to the realities of modified schedules and everyday living in a pandemic. Many of us have also had to find creative ways to help children, friends or aging parents understand and navigate the new reality while trying to balance our own responsibilities, worries and concerns.
Some days require more resilience, yet even little things can help us to be more positive and happy. Patience, flexibility, kindness and compassion are so very important now. There still are silver linings, happy coincidences and joyful moments to look for and cultivate. As always, I encourage you to step outside each day and reflect on the natural world as you connect with the changing season and slow down, breathe deeply and tend to your emotional well-being. I invite you to try the activities in this month's Natural AwakeningsInspiration department article.